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Let’s help our brothers, sisters, mothers/fathers and our grannies by providing them with clean drinking water. No amount is small

This community is using this stream as a source of drinking water. Let’s do something

Hello Family!!

I pray this finds you in perfect health condition.

Imagine you are walking on the scorching sun and extreme thirst is catching up with you. Right there , even buying your favorite street food won’t make you feel any better. You try your best to look for water everywhere until you finally find it no matter the cost.

Now imagine the same scenario but this time around the ones involved are women, children, widows and sick people in the most poorest communities in the world and they are thirsty. Unlike you in the scenario(you found water after looking for it), they search everywhere for water to drink, but still without success, they instead settle for a dirty dam where dogs, livestock and wildlife drink from. The situation is happening in real life. The victims of 3 consecutive tropical cyclones in Malawi (Nsanje district) are hanging by the thread with no clean water sources amid of country cholera outbreak. 80 out of 144 cholera deaths that Malawi has registered so far are from these same communities (floods survivors). Experts are anticipating the cholera outbreak to triple in the coming weeks as we are approaching the rainy season. These people are innocent, the only crime is that they are poor, and if being poor wasn’t enough, floods destroyed every little they had. Imagine if they were our parents or our close relatives!!

Busy Youth Organization is raising funds to help the floods victims access clean drinking water by purchasing and installing water hand pumps, distribute chlorine to treat water as well as cholera prevention awareness campaigns before the rain season approaches.

No amount is too little, every penny counts. If we are not in a position to donate, let us share this post and link to everyone we know, whether in our email and phone contacts as well as on all logins on our social network. Your efforts and kindness will help us save many lives. Become part of the solution by saving precious lives. Thank you so much for being part of the solution. And thank you for sharing!!!